New Hampshire State Grange
"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity"

About the Grange

Who We Are

The Grange is, and has long been, the strongest sustained organizational force working effectively towards attaining a good and full life for all citizens of rural America.

The Here and Now


Today, Grange membership has been extended beyond its farm community roots to include individuals from all walks of life interested in rural concerns.

The Grange is learning to adapt traditional values of the farm, family and community to the needs of an evolving modern society.  This has created a social community service organization dedicated to a better quality of life based on the values that made America great. 

Grange lessons are just as important today as ever.  Rural families enjoy a purpose in life that teaches dignity, industriousness and constructive attitudes towards others. All can find something to enjoy in the Grange.

The Grange encourages everyone to enjoy good in their labor, help the needy, protect children and animals, and care for the sick and elderly.

 Although the Grange is a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization, we are involved in promoting legislation, which will enhance the lives of those who live in our communities.  Believing that when we band together we can make a better world, we support stewardship of the earth, good schools and a better and more wholesome living for all of us.

The Grange is America’s Family Fraternity.  To anyone who is interested in education, legislation, social welfare, recreation, and having meaning and purpose in life, we welcome you to the Grange.

You can see more about The Grange by watching THIS story on WMUR!

Levels of the Grange

Junior Grange

Believing that the future of the nation depends on the training of its children, the Junior Grange is open to children between the ages of five and fourteen. This gives children the opportunity to learn about the grange, but also shape them into future leaders and thriving members of the community.

Community (Subordinate) Grange

This unit is built around the local community admitting men, women, and youth over the age of 14 equally. These granges focus on aiding the community in which they are founded, allowing for a stronger community to grow.

County (Pomona) Grange

Subordinate Granges in a given district group together on roughly a county basis into Pomona Granges.

State Grange

The State Grange is composed of community and county members from across New Hampshire.

National Grange

This is the parent branch of the order, which speaks with authority and understanding for rural issues in America.

Programs Available to Members

Community Service Activities
Health Programs
Legislative Involvement
Agricultural Events
Grange Tours & Outings
Scholarships, Grants and Loans
Sewing, Craft and Talent Contests
Writing, Art and Photo Contests
Contests and Programs for Juniors and Youth

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