New Hampshire State Grange
"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity"


For more information, please contact the Membership Team at

Mission: To assist the NH State Grange and it’s subordinates to grow and remain active.

A Message from the Membership Team

This year is about getting back into the habit of “doing Grange!” How do we do that? We figure out how to get our individual Granges back to together, either in person or by using Zoom or Facetime. If you have members who are uncomfortable being present in person, give them the opportunity to join the members gathered at your meeting location, using one of these two platforms.

At your meeting locations, do you need to ask your members to wear face masks? Your Grange can go online to Amazon and purchase a large box of them for $14.99. Do you need to add a social distancing component to your meeting? Seat everyone six feet apart. Also, make sure your meeting location is properly sanitized. Perhaps refreshments should be individually wrapped to ensure proper sanitation? Let’s start talking to our members about how we can bring them back to Grange meetings this year.

The Membership Committee would like to recognize Norman Brandt for his work revitalizing Rockingham Grange. They have 16 new members and elected and installed a full set of officers for the coming year! Thank you, Norman, for your hard work!

This year the State Grange Membership Committee is pleased to bring you the hospitality room here at the convention. We want to thank everyone for the contributions you all made to make this a success!

We look forward to getting Grange back on track in NH next year.


Jim Tetreault, Gloria Davis Co-Membership Directors New Hampshire State Grange

Membership Items Available

Wooden Nickels, Pamphlets, Rip Cards, Welcome book, Balloons, Pencils, help from the Grange Growth and Revitalization Team
(Reasonable quantities are free but donations for materials would be appreciated.)

Recruiting Members pamphlet: Ways to approach and get new members.

Membership drive cards: Get a written commitment from your members on whom they are willing to ask to become a member and what their response is. The idea of the card is the more people you ask the more people may join.

Rip cards: A very useful tool when at an event like a fair, old home day, or talk with a large group of people. As with most tools, they must be used correctly: Take a small group of them and place them in your pocket. When you find someone interested in Grange, have them fill out the top section and let them know that somebody will be in contact with them. Tear off the bottom section and hand it to the person so they can do their own research later if they want to. If the person is not from your area, contact the Membership Director and they can get the info card to the correct location. If the person is from your area, invite them to your next Grange meeting. Welcome them to the hall and give them a heads up on the procedure of the meeting. At the end of the meeting ask if they are still interested in joining. Follow up a few times after they come and you may get a new member... Just remember that getting a filled out card does not guarantee you will have a new member; don’t get pushy or hostile when dealing with them.

National Membership Brochure: This is a general introduction to the Grange which includes an application that can be turned in for membership. Having a few applications on hand at any event, including meetings, will help if you have an interested person at your Grange.

An Introduction to The Grange: This pamphlet was designed to give information on the New Hampshire State Grange and what we do. A small tri-fold makes it easy to keep available at all times.

Member Benefits: This brochure gives all membership benefits open to Grange members, please remember that this may not be kept updated and new benefits may not be listed, remind people that are looking over them to visit the State or National Grange website for an update on benefits that are not listed.

Youth Brochure: The Youth brochure is designed to get the attention of youth and make them interested in Grange. Like the general membership brochure, it contains an application for membership.

Junior Grange Brochure: This past year the National Grange changed the format of Jr. Grange. Now Jr’s are able to be more of a young “Grange member in training” participating at a regular subordinate Grange meeting (think Junior Bridesmaid)... All the kinks are not worked out on this, but keep an ear open to find out how the NH State Grange will be administrating this. The brochure includes a Junior application for membership.

Declaration of Purposes: What is the Grange; why are we here? This pamphlet explains the official purpose of the Grange. Every Grange member should have heard if not read this at some point.

Publicity Tips

Get your name out there! We cannot get your name and events out as well as you can.
Places to not forget when you advertise:
- Craigslist, Newspapers articles, Fliers in your local stores, local libraries
- If your Grange does Facebook, post it up!

Website Design by Timothy Web Design