New Hampshire State Grange
"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity"

Trustees of the Trust Fund

Did you know that the State Grange can use income earned from the Trust Fund to provide financial assistance to members who may be in need? The applicant must require some form of financial assistance or aid for their personal care, comfort, welfare and well-being or their immediate family. The request for assistance could be to help pay for hearing aids, eyeglasses, dentures, medical bills or one of a number of other reasons. You can obtain additional copies of application forms and guidelines from Trustees of the Trust Fund, members of the Granges Services Department or from this website.

Completed Trustee of Trust Funds Financial Assistance Applications should be mailed to:

Secretary of the Trustees of the Trust Fund

Virginia Blackmer
7 Bennetts Ferry Rd
Sanbornton, NH 03269

Trust Fund Information

NH State Grange Trustees of Trust Funds

Financial Aid Available Now

The NH State Grange Trustees of Trust Funds have money available now for assistance to members who may be in need. The applicant must require some form of financial assistance or aid for their personal care, comfort, welfare and well-being or of their immediate family.

The request for assistance could be to help pay for hearing aids, eyeglasses, dentures, medical bills or any one of a number of other reasons.

The application forms and complete guidelines are available above or you may contact any of the Trustees or Grange Services Committee members for assistance with the paperwork. Your Grange Secretary or Master should have a Roster listing these members and their contact information. Your Subordinate Secretary has also recently received a copy of the application and guidelines by mail for your reference and use.

Some of the guidelines for applying are listed below but check the actual paperwork for complete details.

For more information, please contact Secretary of the Trustees of Trust Funds, Virginia Blackmer

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