New Hampshire State Grange
"In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity"
  • Juniors at 2022 Session

    Working on Halloween Craft

  • Juniors at 2022 Session
    More crafting Juniors

  • Juniors attending 2022 Session
    The juniors join delegates and members conducting the business of the Grange.

  • Juniors attending 2022 Session
    Sitting with Dad working on some drawings.

  • Juniors decorating pumpkins at 2022 Session
    Doing our best work and making pretty pumpkins.



Things are happening here and if you have any suggestions for this page please inform the Junior Director Joann Brandt 


Click here for the 2025 Junior Program!


Junior Director's Report

New Hampshire State Junior Grange
2023 State Session Report

Worthy State Master, Distinguished Guests, State Officers, Delegates and Patrons all,

Our State Junior Grange is still growing and graduating. I was able to obligate 4 Juniors and have heard of others who now belong to different Granges due to the (Plus 1) +1 program. When adding children to your granges please drop our State Secretary and me a note with their information so we can communicate our activities to you and them. We have currently 13 on the books and we have 2 that will be graduating next year so we must keep up the good work of bringing in new Juniors. This leaves us with 11 members next year unless we grow.

My theme for 2024 is “Learning and Growing Here“. Our numbers must keep growing so we can assist our Subordinate Granges. These will be our future Subordinate, Pomona and State officers if we work with them, and teach them more about the Grange. Make it fun for all young adults and children to be a part in our order. As I was reviewing some of our old Junior Programs, I came across 2017 when we had a fun year for our 90th Junior Grange year. Lets keep growing so in 2027 we will be able to celebrate our 100 year celebration.

Junior rally held Feb 4 in Hooksett had 6 juniors come. Using rocks we colored with crayons or colored pencils. We had coloring pages, bean bag toss, blocks of wood to stack. A special event for the 150th New Hampshire State Anniversary (Sesquicentennial) the opportunity to hold and have a photo holding the Very Large gavel that is traveling the state to be returned to State Grange in October.

Do you know anything about New Hampshire, or National Grange Host state (this year to be in New York at Niagara Falls)? During the Lecturer’s program add some facts about where National Grange will be held.

I placed a grange display in Deerfield Fair this year. This assists with the funds to work with the children. Eastern States Expo has three entries and two were chosen Age 5-7 Timothy Boisvert 1st Place and 8-11 Rebecca Boisvert 2nd Place qt the Big E.
,/br> I placed a grange display in Deerfield Fair this year. This assists with the funds to work with the children. Eastern States Expo has three entries and two were chosen Age 5-7 Timothy Boisvert 1st Place and 8-11 Rebecca Boisvert 2nd Place qt the Big E.

I want to thank all our Plus 1 Granges recognizing the following. Blazing Star, Centennial, Chichester, Arlington, Hudson, Rochester, Rockingham, and Wingold.

In closing, I want to thank our Worthy State Master for all of her support with the Junior activities this grandparents who bring children to the activities and adults that support us. Especially the Granges who are working with all our Juniors in their grange to grow new Youth and our future.

Fraternally submitted,
Joann Brandt, Jr Director
Gloria Davis, Jr Deputy


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